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Today, I’m going to show you why clients think they can underpay you.

And walk you through how to systematically increase your rates, and have your clients happily pay them.

But first.

Here’s the Number One Reason Clients think they can underpay You

The number 1 reason clients think they can underpay you is not because they’re bad people…

No body wakes up in the morning and decides to look for a web designer who’s worth $5,000, and to pay them just $50.

The Number 1 reason clients think they can underpay you is because they don’t know better.

I mean they don’t know why they should pay you more…

Allow me to explain.

I know you do good works,  And you’re a professional deep down.

But when a client asks how much a web design cost, the responses are always all over the place.

Some say $5,000. Some say $50.

How can you convince a client that the $50 they’re seeing as is not the same with the $5,000 you’re proposing? Because to them, it is the same thing.

To them, you both have portfolios showing equally beautiful works…

As a web designer, a web/app developer. I don’t care what it is that you do.

You know what you do, and you know what its worth. Your customers don’t.

It’s up to you to explain and justify your value…

Now I know as a web designer, and you do great work. You’re so proud of your work that you put together your website, upload the sites you have created on your portfolio, and you’re like “These websites are great”.

people come to your website, they see your works, and they think they’re great.

Everyone emails you “ I love your work”

At this point, they want to hire you. They’re like “How much does a web design cost?”

And then you fire back and say “A design like that is only $5,000” And they black out.

You give them a quote, and they’re shocked.

The reason is because they don’t know what that means.

That’s the reason I hate portfolio websites


When people see a great work in your portfolio, They don’t know what that means. They don’t know that you spent 70 hours working on the back end. They don’t know the 2 weeks prep you did in advance to come up with the structure of the site…

All they see is a beautiful website, they don’t know how it’s made.

So when they reach out to you, they see a website that they like, they want a site like that. They think “Ooh, he can do that in 2 days”…

Now here’s the problem.

The Problem isn’t that your customer is stupid. The problem is that you didn’t accurately explain your process.

You didn’t tell them what you do, You didn’t show them how you do it.

When they see a website, to them its just a website. They don’t know what goes into making it.

<blockquote>So the big reason people try to underpay you is not because they’re bad people. It’s because you’re bad at showing them why they should pay more.</blockquote>

I know people who are web designers for 10 years, and they still don’t do this right.

But Must You Explain Your Service?

You might be thinking “Well, not everyone has to explain their value, And you’re right. Not everyone has to explain their value.

However, you’re not everyone.

There are some big name web designers, big name web developers. They don’t need to explain their work because the world already knows them.

But if you’re just an upstart, You’re just getting started in the last 2 to 5 years, you don’t have a big audience, you don’t have a big fan base, you don’t have clients coming in over and over again.

There’s no one out there communicating your value, no one has a good review about your business.

so its up to you to do it.

That’s why i hate portfolio pages. Because when you showcase your works, no one knows what it means, No one knows what went into it.

That leads me to the solution.



Again, the Number 1 reason clients think they can underpay you is simply because you did a very bad job at communicating your value to the customer.

And how to fix it; communicate your values better.

Here’s what I mean…


Today, I’m going to show you why clients think they can underpay you.

And walk you through how to systematically increase your rates, and have your clients happily pay them.

But first.

Here’s the Number One Reason Clients think they can underpay You

The number 1 reason clients think they can underpay you is not because they’re bad people…

No body wakes up in the morning and decides to look for a web designer who’s worth $5,000, and to pay them just $50.

The Number 1 reason clients think they can underpay you is because they don’t know better.

I mean they don’t know why they should pay you more…

Allow me to explain.

I know you do good works,  And you’re a professional deep down.

But when a client asks how much a web design cost, the responses are always all over the place.

Some say $5,000. Some say $50.

How can you convince a client that the $50 they’re seeing as is not the same with the $5,000 you’re proposing? Because to them, it is the same thing.

To them, you both have portfolios showing equally beautiful works…

As a web designer, a web/app developer. I don’t care what it is that you do.

You know what you do, and you know what its worth. Your customers don’t.

It’s up to you to explain and justify your value…

Now I know as a web designer, and you do great work. You’re so proud of your work that you put together your website, upload the sites you have created on your portfolio, and you’re like “These websites are great”.

people come to your website, they see your works, and they think they’re great.

Everyone emails you “ I love your work”

At this point, they want to hire you. They’re like “How much does a web design cost?”

And then you fire back and say “A design like that is only $5,000” And they black out.

You give them a quote, and they’re shocked.

The reason is because they don’t know what that means.

That’s the reason I hate portfolio websites


When people see a great work in your portfolio, They don’t know what that means. They don’t know that you spent 70 hours working on the back end. They don’t know the 2 weeks prep you did in advance to come up with the structure of the site…

All they see is a beautiful website, they don’t know how it’s made.

So when they reach out to you, they see a website that they like, they want a site like that. They think “Ooh, he can do that in 2 days”…

Now here’s the problem.

The Problem isn’t that your customer is stupid. The problem is that you didn’t accurately explain your process.

You didn’t tell them what you do, You didn’t show them how you do it.

When they see a website, to them its just a website. They don’t know what goes into making it.

<blockquote>So the big reason people try to underpay you is not because they’re bad people. It’s because you’re bad at showing them why they should pay more.</blockquote>

I know people who are web designers for 10 years, and they still don’t do this right.

But Must You Explain Your Service?

You might be thinking “Well, not everyone has to explain their value, And you’re right. Not everyone has to explain their value.

However, you’re not everyone.

There are some big name web designers, big name web developers. They don’t need to explain their work because the world already knows them.

But if you’re just an upstart, You’re just getting started in the last 2 to 5 years, you don’t have a big audience, you don’t have a big fan base, you don’t have clients coming in over and over again.

There’s no one out there communicating your value, no one has a good review about your business.

so its up to you to do it.

That’s why i hate portfolio pages. Because when you showcase your works, no one knows what it means, No one knows what went into it.

That leads me to the solution.



Again, the Number 1 reason clients think they can underpay you is simply because you did a very bad job at communicating your value to the customer.

And how to fix it; communicate your values better.

Here’s what I mean…



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1 Comment

  1. John
    April 20, 2024 @ 7:39 am

    Good post


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